Sri Vitthala Giridhari Parabrahmane namaha

Het Just Love Festival, dat in september in Shree Peetha Nilaya zal plaatsvinden, heeft een online-project gelanceerd: Waves of Love of Golven van Liefde. Het is een online mantra happening. Het project bevat de essentie van het Just Love Festival: eenheid, positiviteit en vooral Liefde.  Gedurende dit project dat 13 dagen duurt, zullen mensen over de hele wereld samen sri vitthala giridhari parabrahmane namaha chanten, een heel bijzondere mantra gegeven door Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda.

Doe met ons mee en laten we deze maand beginnen ons te focussen op wat er werkelijk toe doet: Just Love.

Wil je meer weten over dit project, ga dan naar de Waves of Love groep op Facebook.

Hello, everyone!

We’re extremely happy to see your positive response to this initiative to help the world. We don’t know about you, but we’re bursting with excitement to get started. First, however, we would like to take the time to give you some more information about how things will work and how you can get involved.

From June 1 to June 13, for 6 hours every day, various artists from around the world will participate in an online broadcast, singing the mantra sri vitthala giridhari parabrahmane namaha. This is a mantra given by the enlightened Master Paramahamsa Vishwananda, for the benefit of the world. It is composed of Divine Names, each of them holding very high, healing and nurturing vibrations that have the ability to change our lives and, through our common effort, the world.

This is a team action everyone is invited to participate in. Your involvement can come in various forms:

* If you’re an artist who would like to be featured on our online broadcast, we encourage you to visit our website and fill out the form at the bottom of the page. We will get in touch.

* You can help us spread the word about the movement through social media, by posting a short video of yourself singing or chanting the mantra for your friends. You never know who this might inspire to participate. Please make sure to tag us at @justlovefestival with the following hastags #wavesoflove #justlovefestival #whatcaringsoundslike. You can also find examples of others who have participated by checking out our stories on instagram and facebook @justlovefestival.

* Our project spotlights BM Charity, an organization dedicated to addressing the needs of people living in less favorable circumstances or desperate situations. Any donation can immensely impact another person’s life, so if you feel you are able to help in this way, please visit for more information.

* Ultimately, merely tuning in and chanting with us from home, sharing the mantra and the broadcast with your friends and family, sending your good intentions and love to the entire world are already precious forms of participation that we wholeheartedly encourage and would like to thank you for.

This being said, we can’t wait to hear sri vitthala giridhari parabrahmane namaha resound around the globe with these Waves of Love. Thank you for being part of the Mantra Movement.